Happy Christmas to all!
The year 2015 has seen great strides in developing the John o’Groats Trail (JOGT). I try to hit the biggest highlights here, but the greatest moments of the year for me have been meeting you, the people who are helping bring this together with your interest and support. You’ve walked with me, welcomed me into your homes, and given me encouragement when it was needed most.
We now have a web site at jogt.org.uk and the JOGT is listed as a Virtual Trail by the Highland Rangers. The web site now shows our growing support by walking groups as well as businesses and community groups in the region. If you know of a business that would like to be listed, please refer them.
We have walks planned for 2016 and soon there will be volunteer days planned. Volunteer events will include stile-building and brash-cutting. If you are interested in volunteering to help build the trail, or for anything else, please get in touch.
Over the winter months, I’ve begun contacting landowners and tenant crofters to get permission to improve the trail on their land. If anyone would like to help or knows any landowners along the coast, please let me know. The contact I’ve had so far has been encouraging, even gratifying.
One of our business supporters, Colourflow-Images of Helmsdale, has graciously donated several high-quality wildlife photos for the web site. If you haven’t seen these, be sure to take a look.
You can now view the entire detailed route of the trail through links from the web site. Currently these link to walk descriptions and maps on walkhighlands.com, but in future I hope to have interactive maps of the Trail on the web site itself.
After the holidays, the New Year will see a flurry of planning in January for my February trip to the Highlands (dates approximately 6 to 22). Two walks are planned for February (see web site Events) and I hope to see you while I’m “in the neighbourhood.”
I will keep this short(er) as I know everyone is busy this time of year. I hope to see you all in February!
Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2016!