7 days on the Caithness coast 27.7-4.8.19

Friends of the John o’Groats Trail are offering a week of walking along the Caithness Section of
the John o’Groats Trail – from Helmsdale to John o’ Groats. The Caithness Coast has a lot to offer: the twisted strata of the sandstone cliffs with their natural sea arches, stacks and caves are home to guillemots, cormorants, puffins, kittiwake, fulmar and other sea birds. Grey and Harbour seals play in the waves and geos with their hidden beaches, while the settlements along the trail tell a history of ancient to modern habitation, brochs, castles and fortifications litter the coastline amongst the many hidden and occasionally abandoned harbours.

Including 8 nights’ accommodation with full board and 7 days’ guided walking along one of the
most impressive cliff top walks of the British Coast.

Cost: £750 including Bed, Breakfast, Packed Lunch and Dinner*
(*on nights where accommodation is provided).
You can download more information in pdf format here.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Ranger, Jim: johnogroatsranger1@outlook.com