Hello Friends of the John o’ Groats Trail!
The summer solstice sun shone brightly on the JOGT a few days ago! This is just a brief newsletter to send a few happy updates:
- Gail Ross MSP lodged a motion in Parliament today “commending the trail and welcoming the benefits that it will bring to the area.”
- The BBC Scotland News ran a story on us on the radio on Monday and on their web site as seen here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-36648974
- The Times of Scotland also ran a small article on us today.
- We signed a constitution in June and applied for charity status. Once approved, we will be able to accept charitable donations and apply for grants.
- In May and June combined, we marked or cleared 12 miles of trail, which represents 11% of the off-road parts of the trail. This was purely due to volunteer efforts. Many thanks to everyone who helped! More events in August and September.
- If you would like to volunteer, please contact me to be placed on our volunteer mailing list.
Notes for walkers:
- Walkers may be interested to know we have added a stage status page to our web site. This will enable walkers to check how difficult and how near to completion each stage of the walk is.
Happy trails!